Area |
Specifications |
Abstract Title |
Symposium Theme |
- Conference theme your abstract falls under
Author and their Affiliations |
- Authors first name and surnames (with presenting author in bold) with superscript numbers for institution or employing organization
Background |
- Describe your work as a narrative (explain the issue, why it's important and how your project contributes to addressing the issue)
Methods |
- How you designed and undertook the project or study (be clear on how the methods address the aims and objectives)
Result, support or evidence |
- The results must relate to the methods and address the aims and issues identified in the background
- Can discuss if the results were expected or not
Conclusion |
- Ensure that your conclusion addresses your aim and are well supported by your result
The implication to policy, practice, research and advocacy |
- Describe the implications of your findings for policy, practice, research, or advocacy and the real world change you hope to see as a result of your findings
- Should not go beyond the study parameters
Ethics |
- Statement that your work is ethically approved
Key words |