PAFLAR 2025 | Soumettre un Résumé au Congrès

PAFLAR 2025 | Soumettre un Résumé au Congrès

Abrégé Règlement

  1. Delegates, who would like to present their work at the Congress, either orally or as a poster, are invited to submit an abstract for consideration by the Abstract Grading Committee.
  2. Abstracts will be organized into sessions using the topics chosen by the submitter in the online system.
  3. Abstract submission is only possible via the Website. Please carefully read all the instructions available on the website and the online abstract submission system before preparing your abstract.
  4. There will be an abstract submission fee of 20USD
  5. Those of you who will have a challenge raising the amount can apply for a waiver by sending an email to: Your request will be reviewed against a criterion by the relevant team before a response is given.
  6. For Abstract submitted in French, please provide an English translation of the same without losing the meaning of the medical terms. If the English translation is not provided or there’s loss of meaning of key words, there is no guarantee that your abstract will be published in the supplement.
  7. For standardization, the total length of the abstract must not exceed 4000 printable characters including spaces (approx. 600 words) and 90-line counts. Characters counts include the title, body of the abstracts, authors details and tables.
    The body of the abstract will be structured as follows with the following subtitles:
    • Introduction
    • Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusion
    • Key words
    • Ethics
  8. One Table may be included in the “Results” section with the following criteria:
    - Maximum number of rows: 10
    - Maximum number of columns: 10
  9. Images or graphs may not be included
  10. Please carefully review your work before submission to ensure there are no grammatical errors. Abstracts that are accepted shall be submitted as received for publication.
Mise en page de la soumission des résumés
Area Specifications
Abstract Title  
Symposium Theme
  • Conference theme your abstract falls under
Author and their Affiliations
  • Authors first name and surnames (with presenting author in bold) with superscript numbers for institution or employing organization
  • Describe your work as a narrative (explain the issue, why it's important and how your project contributes to addressing the issue)
  • How you designed and undertook the project or study (be clear on how the methods address the aims and objectives)
Result, support or evidence
  • The results must relate to the methods and address the aims and issues identified in the background
  • Can discuss if the results were expected or not
  • Ensure that your conclusion addresses your aim and are well supported by your result
The implication to policy, practice, research and advocacy
  • Describe the implications of your findings for policy, practice, research, or advocacy and the real world change you hope to see as a result of your findings
  • Should not go beyond the study parameters
  • Statement that your work is ethically approved
Key words

Soumettre un résumé

1. Informations générales
2. Domaine thématique (Catégorie)
3. Préférence de la forme de la présentation
Si votre résumé est accepté, pourrez-vous le présenter physiquement?
4. Télécharger le résumé
5. Soumettre
Informations générales
Affiliation à un institut
Adresse e-mail
Domaine thématique (Catégorie)
Préférence de la forme de la présentation

Payer et soumettre (USD20)

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