1st PAFLAR Congress Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It’s my genuine pleasure to welcome you to the first international PAFLAR Congress to be held virtually on July 28-30, 2021.

The Paediatric Society of the African League Against Rheumatism – PAFLAR – is a group of dedicated healthcare providers, who aims to improve the healthcare of children with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases in Africa through raising awareness, advocacy, education, research, formulation and enactment of policies that promotes their growth, development, survival and overall well-being.

This first meeting will provide to the participants an opportunity to exchange experiences, to share knowledge, and to enhance networking. It will feature three days of the best of clinical practice and scientific content covering numerous areas of Paediatric Rheumatology with a special emphasis on the scope of the discipline across Africa. Experts across the globe have been invited as guest speakers to lead and enrich discussions.

On behalf of the PAFLAR Scientific Committee, I’m honoured to invite you to attend and participate in this event. Your active contribution will be crucial to the success for the congress.

Stronger Together For a Better Future…
Looking forward to meeting you!

Dr Djohra HADEF
Chair, PAFLAR Scientific Committee